golfer preparing to hit a ball

What Is Four Ball In Golf




As an avid golfer, you may have come across the term “four ball” in the world of golf. This is a popular format of playing golf, especially in team competitions.

It’s a fun and challenging way to play golf, and understanding its rules and strategies can greatly improve your overall game.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into what exactly four ball is all about and how it differs from other formats of playing golf. So if you’re curious to learn more about this exciting format, keep reading!

Four Ball in golf is a match play format where two teams of two players each play their own ball, with the team’s lowest score on each hole being counted.

What Is Four Ball In Golf

Four Ball in golf is a team-based match play format where two teams of two players each play their own balls, with the best score from each team on each hole being counted.

In this format, all four golfers play their own ball from tee to green. However, instead of individual scores being tallied, only the best score from each team on each hole is used for the team’s overall score.

This means that on any given hole if one player scores a 4 and their teammate scores a 5, the team’s score for that hole would be a 4.

This format encourages strategic play and team coordination, as players can decide whether to play safe or take risks based on their teammate’s performance.

It’s a popular choice for both casual rounds and tournament play, offering a fun and dynamic twist on the traditional stroke play format.

How To Play Four Ball

Four Ball in golf is a match format where two teams of two players each play their own balls, and the team’s best score on each hole is counted.

Basics of Four Ball

In Four Ball, all four golfers play their own ball from tee to green. The team’s score for each hole is determined by the best score from either of the team’s players.

This means if one player scores a 5 and their teammate scores a 4, the team’s score for that hole would be 4.

Scoring in Four Ball

Scoring in Four Ball can be based on either match play or stroke play rules.

In match play, each hole is assigned a value of one and the team with the lowest score on each hole wins that hole. In stroke play, the team’s scores are added up over the course of the round to determine the winner.

Order of Play in Four Ball

The order of play in Four Ball is typically decided by who is furthest out, with the side whose ball is furthest out deciding who plays first.

This adds an additional layer of strategy, as teams must decide the best order of play based on their position and strategy for each hole.

Rules of Four Ball

The primary rule in Four Ball is that each player plays their own ball throughout the hole.

However, only the best score from each team on each hole is counted toward the team’s overall score.

This encourages teamwork and strategic play, as players can choose to play more aggressively or conservatively based on their teammate’s performance.

Strategies for Four Ball

Strategies for Four Ball can vary greatly depending on the skill levels of the players and the layout of the course.

However, effective communication and coordination between teammates are crucial for success, as the team’s score is dependent on the best performance on each hole.

Is Four Ball The Same as Best Ball?

Four Ball and Best Ball in golf essentially refer to the same format, where two players form a team and each plays their own ball, with the team’s best score on each hole being counted.

In both the Four Ball and Best Ball formats, all players play their own balls from tee to green. The term originates from the fact that there are four balls in play, two from each team of two players.

The team’s score for each hole is determined by the best score from either of the team’s players. This means if one player scores a 5 and their teammate scores a 4, the team’s score for that hole would be 4.

Though the names are often used interchangeably, the essence of the game remains the same.

It’s a popular format for both casual games and tournaments as it combines elements of individual play with team strategy.

Players must not only focus on their own game but also take into consideration their teammate’s performance on each hole. This adds an extra layer of camaraderie and strategy to the game, making it a favourite among many golfers.

Can Four Ball Be Played in Both Match Play and Stroke Play Competitions?

Four Ball can indeed be played in both Match Play and Stroke Play competitions, with each format adding its unique dynamic to the game.

In the Four Ball format, two teams of two players each play their own balls, with the team’s best score on each hole being counted.

When played in Match Play competitions, each hole is a separate contest and the team with the lowest score wins that hole. The overall winner is the team that wins the most holes.

On the other hand, in Stroke Play competitions, the game is about the total number of strokes taken over the course of the round. The team with the lowest aggregate score at the end of the round is declared the winner.

In both formats, strategic decision-making and effective teamwork are key as the team’s score is dependent on the best performance on each hole.


Q: How is Four Ball different from other formats?

A: Four Ball is different from other formats because in this format, each player plays their own ball and the team score is determined by the lower score on each hole. This is in contrast to formats like alternate shot or scramble where players take turns hitting the same ball.

Q: Which tournaments use the Four Ball format?

A: The Four Ball format is commonly used in the Ryder Cup and the Presidents Cup. These prestigious team events feature matches between teams of players from different countries using the Four Ball format.

Q: How does the Four Ball format work?

A: In a Four Ball match, each player on the team plays their own ball from the teeing ground to the hole. After each hole is completed, the team takes the lower score of the two players as their team score for that hole. The team with the lowest score at the end of the round wins the match.

Q: What is the order of play in Four Ball?

A: In Four Ball, the order of play is determined by the teams. Each team decides which player will tee off first on each hole, and the players on the team take turns hitting subsequent shots.

Q: What happens if one player on the team doesn’t complete a hole in Four Ball?

A: If one player on the team doesn’t complete a hole, the team can still continue playing the hole with the other player’s score. However, if the player doesn’t complete the hole due to disqualification or withdrawal, the team will be disqualified from the competition.

Q: What is the format known as “alternate shot” in Four Ball?

A: Alternate shot is a variation of the Four Ball format where the players on a team take turns hitting shots using the same ball. One player hits the tee shot, and then the players alternate hitting subsequent shots until the hole is completed.

Q: Can a player replace a lost or damaged ball in Four Ball?

A: No, in Four Ball, a player cannot replace a lost or damaged ball. The player must proceed under the rules of golf for lost or out-of-bounds balls, which may include taking a penalty and playing another ball from the original spot or a designated drop zone.

Q: What happens if a player’s ball is moved by an outside agency in Four Ball?

A: If a player’s ball is accidentally moved by an outside agency, there is no penalty in Four Ball. The ball must be replaced in its original position, and the player can continue play without penalty.

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