A golfer playing wolf in a round of golf

How To Play Wolf In Golf




Wolf in golf is a popular game that adds an element of competitiveness to any round of golf. It’s played with groups of four players and is a great way to mix things up and add some excitement to your regular golf game.

This exciting game has been gaining popularity in recent years, and it’s a great way to add some friendly competition to your golf outings.

Whether you’re new to the sport or a seasoned pro, this guide will give you all the information you need to know about playing wolf in golf.

Key Takeaway

  • Wolf in Golf is played with four golfers, where in each hole one player is designated the ‘Wolf’, who watches the others tee off and chooses one as a partner based on their drives, aiming to score lower than the other two players, with the Wolf having the option to play solo against the other three.
  • Before playing Wolf in golf, it’s crucial to consider the skill levels of all players, the rotation order, your self-confidence, and an understanding of each player’s strengths to strategise effectively.
  • Variations on how to play Wolf in Golf include options like the “Blind Wolf”, where the Wolf declares going solo before others tee off, “Reverse Wolf” where the Wolf tees off first, or “Divorce the Wolf” where a player can choose to play the hole alone, and other variations where points can be doubled or tripled under certain conditions.

What Is The Wolf Golf Game?

The Wolf Golf Game is a competitive format for four golfers, where the objective is to accumulate the most points through forming different teams on each hole or taking a risk to play one-on-three.

In the Wolf Golf game, players take turns being the ‘Wolf’, a role that rotates among the players. The Wolf is the first player to tee off on every hole, regardless of the traditional honours system.

After hitting their tee shot, the Wolf has the option to pick a partner based on the quality of their shots, forming a two-person team. Alternatively, the Wolf can choose to play alone against the other three players, a gutsy move that can yield high rewards if successful.

Points are allocated depending on the outcome of each hole. If the Wolf and their chosen partner win the hole, they both earn points.

However, if the non-Wolf trio wins, they each receive points. In situations where the Wolf chooses to go solo and wins, they receive a larger number of points. Conversely, if the Wolf loses when playing alone, all other players score points.

The game continues in this manner, with the role of the Wolf rotating on each hole, until all holes have been played. The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.

This game format encourages strategic thinking and risk-taking, adding an extra layer of excitement to the round of golf.

Things To Consider Before You Play Wolf in Golf

Before you play Wolf in Golf, it’s crucial to understand the game’s rules, strategies, and requirements for critical decision-making.

Strategic Thinking

Wolf requires strategic thinking and decision-making. As the ‘Wolf’, you need to assess your opponents’ tee shots and decide whether to form a team or play solo. This decision can significantly impact the game’s outcome, so understanding the risks and rewards involved is crucial.

Assessing Player Abilities

Knowing the abilities of all players in your group is beneficial in Wolf. This knowledge can assist the ‘Wolf’ in choosing a partner or deciding to play solo. It’s also useful in predicting opponents’ performances, which can influence strategic decisions.

Setting Betting Amounts

Wolf often involves betting, so it’s important to agree on the stakes before starting the game. Ensure all players are comfortable with the amount being wagered to maintain a friendly atmosphere throughout the game.

Order of Play

Before beginning, establish a permanent driving order. This order determines the rotation of the ‘Wolf’ role and can affect the game’s dynamics.

Remember, the aim of Wolf is not just to win, but to enjoy the strategic elements and camaraderie that this golf format brings to the course.

How To Play Wolf In Golf

Wolf in Golf is a competitive betting game for four players, where each player takes turns being the ‘Wolf’, deciding after each drive whether to partner with another player or play alone against the team.

The Role of The Wolf

The Wolf in golf is a role that rotates among the players. The Wolf tees off first and then watches the other players tee off. Based on the quality of their drives, the Wolf decides whether to select one of them as a partner for the hole or to play alone against the other three.

Choosing a Partner

After observing the tee shots of the other players, the Wolf must choose whether to select a partner for the hole. This decision must be made immediately after each player’s drive, and once made, it cannot be changed. The selected partner and the Wolf then form a team for that hole.

Playing Solo

The Wolf also has the option to play solo against the other three players. This decision carries more risk but can yield higher rewards. If the Wolf wins the hole, they receive more points. However, if they lose, the other players each get points.


Scoring in Wolf is based on the outcome of each hole. If the Wolf and their chosen partner win the hole, they both receive points. If the other three players win, they each get points. If the Wolf chooses to play solo and wins, they get more points, but if they lose, all the other players score.

Rotation and Order

The order of play is important in Wolf. The role of the Wolf rotates among the players, ensuring that each player gets to be the Wolf once every four holes. This rotation adds a strategic element to the game as players must adapt their play style depending on their role.

Variations on How To Play Wolf in Golf

Variations on How to Play Wolf in Golf can introduce exciting twists and challenges, adding more strategic layers to this already engaging game.

Lone Wolf

In the Lone Wolf variation, the Wolf can decide to play solo against the other three players before anyone else tees off. This decision brings higher risks but also higher rewards, as the Wolf can potentially earn quadruple points for winning the hole. However, if the Wolf loses, all other players receive points.

Blind Wolf

The Blind Wolf variation adds an element of unpredictability to the game. In this version, the Wolf must decide whether to go solo or choose a partner before anyone tees off. The Wolf must then stick with this decision, regardless of the quality of the other players’ drives. This variation tests the Wolf’s confidence in their own abilities and their knowledge of the other players’ skills.

Wolf Hammer

Wolf Hammer introduces betting into the game. After the teams are decided for each hole, players can raise the bet or ‘hammer’ the Wolf. If the Wolf accepts the hammer, the points for the hole are doubled. If the Wolf declines, the player who hammered becomes the new Wolf.

Sheep Wolf

Sheep Wolf is a gentler variation of the game where no golfer has to play alone. In this version, the Wolf must choose a partner for each hole, eliminating the option to go solo. This variation can be a good choice for beginner golfers or groups looking for a more relaxed game.

Canadian Wolf

Canadian Wolf introduces a rotating order of play. Instead of the Wolf always teeing off first, the order rotates among the players. This variation adds a strategic twist, as the Wolf must decide whether to pick a partner or go solo without seeing all the drives.

These variations can make playing Wolf in Golf even more thrilling. Whether you’re a beginner golfer or a seasoned pro, these twists can add an extra layer of strategy and excitement to your round.

Strategies for Wolf Golf Game

Wolf Golf Game strategies can significantly improve your chances of winning by focusing on self-confidence, careful selection of partners, and awareness of each player’s strengths.


Having confidence in your own abilities is crucial when playing Wolf. A good player should be willing to go it alone as often as possible, especially on par 3s. This is because the risk of losing is lower on these holes, and winning alone can earn you more points.

Selecting a Partner

The Wolf must select a partner after observing the other players’ drives. It’s important to choose wisely, taking into account the skills and performance of each player. Remember, once you’ve chosen a partner, you cannot change your decision for that hole.

Awareness of Each Player’s Strengths

Being aware of each player’s strengths and playing styles can inform your strategy. If you’re the Wolf, knowing which player performs best on specific holes can guide your choice of partner. Similarly, if you’re not the Wolf, demonstrating your skills can increase your chances of being selected as a partner.

Rotating Role of The Wolf

In Wolf, the role of the Wolf rotates among the players. Adapting your strategy based on your role for each hole is key. When you’re the Wolf, focus on selecting the right partner or deciding whether to go solo. When you’re not the Wolf, aim to demonstrate your skills to increase your chances of being chosen as a partner.

Play Best Ball in Partner Format

If a partner format is chosen, each team plays their best ball. This means that only the best score from each team is considered for that hole. Therefore, it’s essential to coordinate with your partner and strategise to maximise the chances of one of you achieving the lowest score.


Q: When does the lone wolf need to be declared?

A: The lone wolf must be declared before anyone tees off on the hole. Once the first golfer tees off, the lone wolf option is no longer available.

Q: How does the order of play work in the game of wolf in golf?

A: The order of play in the game of wolf in golf is determined by the tee shots. The player who tees off first on a hole is called the “wolf” for that hole, and the order of play continues clockwise.

Q: What happens if the wolf loses the hole?

A: If the wolf loses the hole, the other players in the group each receive one point. The wolf does not receive any points for losing the hole.

Q: How is the winner determined in the game of wolf in golf?

A: The winner in the game of wolf in golf is determined by the player with the lowest point total at the end of the round. Points are awarded based on the outcome of each hole.

Q: How do you play the wolf golf betting game?

A: To play the wolf golf betting game, each player contributes a set amount to the betting pool. The player with the lowest net score at the end of the round wins the betting pool.

Q: Can the lone wolf before teeing off be a different player on each hole?

A: Yes, in the game of wolf, the lone wolf before teeing off can be a different player on each hole. The order of play and the decision to go lone wolf can vary throughout the game.

Q: How many players are needed to play the wolf golf game?

A: The wolf golf game is typically played with four players. However, it can also be played with three players, where each player takes turns being the wolf on a rotation basis.

Conclusion and final thoughts

The Wolf in Golf is a popular and exciting game that has been enjoyed by golfers for many years. With its unique rules and strategy, it adds an extra layer of fun to the traditional game of golf.

As discussed in this blog post, the key to playing Wolf successfully lies in understanding the roles of each player and making smart decisions based on the situation.

The game allows for both individual and team play, making it a versatile option for different group dynamics.

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