Golfer with clubs and a golf ball

How To Clean Golf Balls




Most golfers clean their golf balls after each hole, but at the end of the round we often just throw them in our bag and forget about them.

If left dirty the balls can deteriorate and not perform as well next time you play.

Have you ever grabbed a golf ball out of your bag and noticed a yellow stain?

That’s caused by chemicals on the greens

In this post, we will discuss everything you need to know about cleaning your golf balls efficiently and effectively.

a really dirty golf ball with mud on it

How To Clean Golf Balls

Cleaning your golf balls regularly and properly can improve their performance and lifespan. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to do it using some basic household items.

Materials Needed

To get started, gather the following:

  • A bucket or container.
  • Warm water.
  • Mild dish soap or a specialised golf ball cleaner.
  • A soft-bristle brush or old toothbrush.
  • A towel or cloth.
  • Optional: ultrasonic cleaner.

1. Fill the Bucket with Warm Water

Warm water is more effective at loosening stubborn dirt and grime than cold water.

It’s recommended to use hot water, but be mindful not to use boiling water as this could potentially damage the golf balls.

2. Add a Few Drops of Mild Dish Soap

Mild dish soap is a safe and effective cleaning agent for golf balls.

Some golfers may prefer to use specialized golf ball cleaners, hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar, or a cup of OxyClean, but these are not necessary unless the golf balls are extremely dirty.

3. Submerge Golf Balls in the Soapy Water

Make sure all the golf balls are fully submerged in the soapy water.

This ensures that every part of the golf balls gets cleaned.

Find out – How Much Does a Golf Ball Weigh?

4. Let Them Soak for a Few Minutes to Loosen Dirt

Allowing the golf balls to soak helps to soften and loosen the dirt and grime.

If you’re cleaning a large number of golf balls at once, stirring them occasionally over a couple of days can help ensure an even clean.

5. Use the Soft-Bristle Brush to Scrub Each Ball Gently

Using a soft-bristle brush or an old toothbrush, gently scrub each golf ball.

Be sure to focus on the grooves and dimples where dirt can accumulate. For stubborn stains, you might consider using a whitening solution like hydrogen peroxide.

Find out – How Many Dimples Are In a Golf Ball?

6. Rinse the Balls with Clean Water

Rinsing the balls with clean water is important to remove any soap residue.

Leftover soap can affect the golf ball’s performance by altering its weight and balance.

7. Dry Each Ball Thoroughly Using a Towel

Drying each golf ball thoroughly is crucial to prevent any potential damage or mould growth.

If you’re cleaning a large number of golf balls, you might consider placing them in a pillowcase with a few rags and letting them air dry.

Don’t let them air dry, this can cause the outer coating to become dry and brittle.

Trick to Remove Permanent Marker Lines and Marks

Removing permanent marker lines and marks from golf balls can be achieved by using certain household items like rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Step 1: Dampen a Cotton Ball with Rubbing Alcohol or Nail Polish Remover

Start by saturating a cotton ball or pad with rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover. These substances contain solvents that can dissolve the ink from permanent markers.

Step 2: Rub the Marked Area Gently

Next, gently rub the cotton ball over the marked area on the golf ball. Be sure to do this carefully to avoid damaging the surface of the golf ball. It’s important to note that some inks may not come off completely on the first attempt, so patience is key here.

Step 3: Rinse the Golf Ball

Once you’ve removed the marker lines, rinse the golf ball with warm water. This will help to remove any remaining solvent or ink residue.

Step 4: Dry the Golf Ball

Lastly, dry the golf ball thoroughly using a soft cloth or towel. Make sure it’s completely dry before storing it to prevent any potential damage or mould growth.

Things to Avoid When Cleaning Your Golf Balls

When cleaning your golf balls, it’s crucial to avoid certain practices that could potentially damage them or reduce their performance, such as soaking them for too long, drying them in the sun, using stiff bristles and metal brushes, and using undiluted bleach.

Don’t Soak Golf Balls for Too Long

While it may seem logical to soak golf balls to remove dirt and stains, leaving them submerged for extended periods can actually damage the outer cover. It’s best to limit soaking time to a few minutes, just enough to loosen the dirt, and then gently clean them with a soft cloth or brush.

Don’t Let Your Golf Balls Dry in the Sun for Too Long

While sunlight is a natural drying agent, letting your golf balls dry out in the sun for too long can cause them to become discoloured and may even affect their performance. Instead, after washing them, pat dry with a towel and leave them to dry in a shaded area.

Don’t Use Stiff Bristles and Metal Brushes

Stiff bristles and metal brushes can cause scratches and abrasions on the surface of the golf ball, which can alter its aerodynamics and impact its performance. Instead, opt for a soft brush or cloth to remove dirt and stains without damaging the ball.

Don’t Use Undiluted Bleach

While bleach can be effective in removing stubborn stains, using it undiluted can cause discolouration and damage to the golf ball’s outer cover. If you decide to use bleach, make sure it’s diluted and only leave the golf balls in the solution for a short period of time.


Q: Can I put my golf balls in the dishwasher?

A: No, you should avoid putting your golf balls in the dishwasher. The high heat and strong water pressure can damage the golf balls.

Q: Can I use bleach to clean my golf balls?

A: Yes, you can use a 1:10 bleach-water solution to soak your golf balls. This can help remove dirt and stains. However, it is important to rinse them thoroughly afterwards.

Q: What are some things to avoid when cleaning my golf balls?

A: When cleaning your golf balls, you should avoid using abrasive scrub brushes or wire pads as they can damage the outer surface of the balls. Also, avoid using harsh chemicals that may affect the golf ball’s performance.

Q: How long should I soak my golf balls?

A: It is recommended to soak your golf balls for about 30 minutes in a soapy water or bleach solution. This should help loosen any dirt or debris on the surface.

Q: What can I use to scrub my golf balls?

A: You can use a toothbrush or a soft bristle brush to scrub your golf balls. Gently scrub them in a circular motion to remove any dirt or stains.

Q: What is the best way to clean used golf balls?

A: The best way to clean used golf balls is to fill a bucket with warm soapy water or a bleach solution, then put the golf balls in and let them soak for about 30 minutes. Afterwards, scrub them with a toothbrush and rinse them thoroughly.

Q: Can I use hydrogen peroxide to clean my golf balls?

A: Yes, you can use hydrogen peroxide to clean your golf balls. Mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio and let the golf balls soak for about 30 minutes. Rinse them thoroughly afterwards.

Q: How do I give my golf balls a squeaky clean appearance?

A: To give your golf balls a squeaky clean appearance, you can soak them in a bucket with hot soapy water or a mixture of white vinegar and water. Scrub them with a toothbrush and rinse them thoroughly.

Q: What is the easiest way to clean golf balls?

A: The easiest way to clean golf balls is to fill a bucket with warm soapy water, put the golf balls in, and let them soak for about 30 minutes. Then, scrub them with a toothbrush and rinse them thoroughly.


Cleaning golf balls is an essential aspect of ensuring the best performance on the course. It will improve distance, spin, and your overall performance.

A clean golf ball also inspires confidence and won’t distract you on the tee.

I hate it when I place my golf ball on the tee and look down to see a speck of mud on it. My mind gets distracted from the target and ball flight to the blob of mud

By following these simple steps and tips, you can maintain the quality and longevity of your golf balls, saving you money in the long run while also improving your game.

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