playing from the tips in golf

What Does Playing From The Tips Mean In Golf?




Golf is a popular sport that has been around for centuries. It requires precision, skill, and patience to master. One common phrase used in the golfing world is “playing from the tips”.

For those who are new to the game, this term can be quite confusing. In this blog post, we will explore what playing from the tips means in golf and how it can affect your game.

Playing from the tips in golf refers to playing from the furthest set of tees on a golf course, making the holes longer and the game more challenging.

What Does Playing From The Tips Mean In Golf

Playing from the tips in golf means teeing off from the furthest set of tee boxes, or ‘tips’, which presents the greatest challenge due to the increased distance and difficulty.

A golf course typically has multiple tee boxes at each hole. These are different launch points for starting each hole and they are often colour-coded or named to indicate their level of difficulty.

The ‘tips’ usually refer to the furthest set of tee boxes from the hole. Playing from the tips therefore means starting your game from these furthest points, making the course longer and consequently more challenging.

This is often done by more experienced golfers seeking to test their skills.

For beginner golfers, it’s usually recommended to start from closer tee boxes until they have developed their skills and confidence.

Advantages of Playing Golf From The Tips

Playing golf from the tips offers several advantages including improved skill development, increased challenge, and enhanced understanding of the game.

Improved Skill Development

When playing from the tips, golfers are often forced to utilise all the clubs in their bag and employ a wider range of shots.

This can lead to improved skill development as it’s a great way to practice long drives and difficult shots under real-game conditions.

Golfers may find their abilities improving faster when they consistently play from the tips because of the added complexity and variety of shots required.

Increased Challenge

For experienced players, part of the fun in golf is the challenge it presents.

When playing from the tips, the game becomes noticeably more difficult due to the increased distance to the hole. It demands precision, strategy, and a deep understanding of one’s own capabilities.

This heightened challenge can make the game more engaging and satisfying, especially for those who enjoy pushing their limits.

Enhanced Understanding of the Game

Playing from the tips also allows golfers to experience the course as it was designed by the architect.

They’ll encounter all the hazards, doglegs, and other features that might be bypassed when playing from the forward tees.

This can lead to an enhanced understanding of the game and a deeper appreciation for the course design. It’s a unique opportunity to experience the full breadth and depth of the sport.

Disadvantages of Playing Golf From The Tips

Playing golf from the tips can lead to several disadvantages such as increased difficulty for beginners, potential for slower play, and a higher risk of injury.

Increased Difficulty for Beginners

Playing golf from the tips can significantly increase the level of difficulty, particularly for beginners.

The added distance and complexity may prove overwhelming for those still learning the basic skills of the game.

This could lead to frustration and potentially discourage new players from continuing with the sport.

Potential for Slower Play

Another disadvantage of playing from the tips is that it can contribute to slower play. With the increased distance to the hole, players may take more strokes to finish a hole, which can extend the duration of the game.

This not only impacts the individual player but can also slow down play for everyone on the course, leading to longer wait times and decreased enjoyment of the game.

Higher Risk of Injury

Lastly, playing from the tips can lead to a higher risk of injury. The need for longer drives and harder swings can put additional strain on the body, particularly on the back and shoulders.

Without proper technique and conditioning, this could increase the risk of sustaining an injury.

Therefore, it’s recommended that players have a good level of fitness and ensure they warm up thoroughly before playing from the tips.

Determining Whether to Play Golf From The Tips

Determining whether to play golf from the tips depends on a variety of factors including your skill level, average drive distance, and desire for challenge.

It’s crucial to assess your skill level when deciding whether to play from the tips.

For experienced golfers who consistently shoot low scores, playing from the tips can provide an exciting challenge and a chance to further develop their skills.

On the other hand, beginners or those with higher handicaps might find the game from the tips frustratingly difficult and slow, which could take away from their enjoyment of the sport.

Another important factor is your average drive distance. A general rule of thumb suggested by many golf professionals is to consider the distance you hit your 5-iron or driver.

For instance, if your 5-iron shot averages around 185 yards, multiplying this by 36 suggests a course length of around 6,660 yards – usually the distance from the tips. If you hit your driver under 200 yards, it’s recommended to play from closer tees.

Lastly, personal preference and your desire for challenge play a significant role.

Some players thrive on the increased difficulty that comes from playing the tips, enjoying the strategic elements and the need for precise shot-making. However, others may prefer a more relaxed game from the forward tees.

Rules and Guidelines for Playing Golf From The Tips

Playing golf from the tips requires adherence to specific rules and guidelines, which include considering your skill level, maintaining a reasonable pace of play, and respecting the course.

Consider Your Skill Level

The first rule when deciding to play from the tips is to realistically assess your skill level.

The tips are designed for low handicap or professional golfers who can hit long drives and have a high level of accuracy.

If you’re a beginner or recreational golfer with a high handicap, playing from the tips might not be suitable for you.

It’s important to pick the tees that match your ability to ensure you enjoy the game and don’t hold up other players on the course.

Maintain a Reasonable Pace of Play

When playing from the tips, it’s crucial to maintain a reasonable pace of play. Given the increased distance, you might take more shots to reach the green, potentially slowing down the game.

Be mindful of this and try to keep up with the pace of the group in front. If your group is consistently falling behind, it might be a sign that you should move to a closer tee.

Respect the Course

Lastly, always respect the course. This includes repairing divots, raking bunkers, and fixing pitch marks on the green.

Playing from the tips often means your ball will land in areas of the course that see less play, so it’s especially important to leave the course in the condition you found it.

This not only helps maintain the course for future players but is also a basic tenet of golf etiquette.


Q: Who typically plays from the tips?

A: Skilled golfers with a low handicap often play from the tips. These golfers have the skills and distance to handle the challenges of the course from this position.

Q: What skill level is required to play from the tips?

A: Playing from the tips requires a high level of skill and distance. It is recommended for advanced or low-handicap golfers who have the ability to consistently hit long and accurate shots.

Q: What is course management?

A: Course management refers to the strategic planning and decision-making process on a golf course. It involves considering the layout, hazards, and your own strengths and weaknesses to determine the best way to navigate the course and optimize your score.

Q: Can beginners play from the tips?

A: While beginners are technically allowed to play from the tips, it is not recommended. Playing at such a challenging distance can be frustrating and may result in a slower pace of play.

Q: What other tee options are available on a golf course?

A: Golf courses typically offer a variety of tee boxes, including forward tees, middle tees, and championship tees. These different tee options allow golfers of various skill levels to choose a suitable distance to play from.

Q: What does “playing from the tips” mean for the pace of play?

A: Playing from the tips may affect the pace of play, especially if the golfer is not skilled enough to consistently hit long shots. It is important for golfers playing from the tips to be mindful of keeping up with the group ahead.

Q: Should I always play from the tips if I am a skilled golfer?

A: While playing from the tips provides a challenge and allows you to experience the course as professional golfers do, it is not necessary to always play from the tips. Course management and a consideration of your own skill level should be taken into account when choosing which tee box to play from.

Q: What do the tips refer to in golf?

A: The tips in golf refers to playing the course from the farthest set of tees, usually the back tees. It is a term used to describe the most challenging and longest distance to play the course.

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